Friday, July 16, 2010


Consider an oak tree. If you plant it in a pot, its growth will be limited. Once its roots fill that pot, it can grow no further. The problem is not with the tree; it is with the environment. It is stifling growth. Perhaps you have bigger things in your heart than your present environment can facilitate. That’s why God will stir you out of a comfortable situation. When you go through persecution and rejection, it’s not always because somebody has it in for you. Sometimes, that’s God’s way of directing you into his perfect will. He’s trying to get you to stretch to the next level. He knows you’re not going to go without a push, so he’ll make it uncomfortable for you to stay where you are currently. The mistake we make at times is getting negative and sour; we focus on what didn’t work out. When we do that, we inhibit the opening of new doors. There are people who have experienced rejection in their personnel relationships. They put all those years into it and now they’re hurt, dejected, going around defeated and not expecting anything good. Unfortunately, sometimes it is unavoidable just because somebody rejected you or walked out of your life and left you hurt, that doesn’t mean that you should retreat and settle where you are. That rejection did not change what God put on the inside of you. It doesn't mean that you cannot yet be happy. When one door closes, if you will keep the right attitude, God will open another door. But you have to do your part and keep pressing forward.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Basics of Mechanical Engineering

FEA (Finite Element Analysis)

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a computer simulation technique used in engineering analysis. It uses a numerical technique called the finite element method (FEM). In this, the object or system is represented by a geometrically similar model consisting of multiple, linked, simplified representations of discrete regions — finite elements. Equations of equilibrium, in conjunction with applicable physical considerations such as compatibility and constitutive relations, are applied to each element, and a system of simultaneous equations is constructed. The system of equations is solved for unknown values using the techniques of linear algebra or nonlinear numerical schemes, as appropriate.
FEA has become a solution to the task of predicting failure due to unknown stresses by showing problem areas in a material and allowing designers to see all of the theoretical stresses within. This method of product design and testing is far superior to the manufacturing costs which would accrue if each sample was actually built and tested.
There are generally two types of analysis: 2-D modeling, and 3-D modeling. While 2-D modeling conserves simplicity and allows the analysis to be run on a relatively normal computer, it tends to yield less accurate results. 3-D modeling, produces more accurate results while it can only be run satisfacotrily on a faster computer effectively. Within each of these modeling schemes, the programmer can insert numerous algorithms (functions) which may make the system behave linearly or non-linearly. Linear systems are far less complex and generally do not take into account plastic deformation. Non-linear systems do account for plastic deformation, and many also are capable of testing a material all the way to fracture.
While being an approximate method, the accuracy of the FEA method can be improved by refining the mesh in the model using more elements and nodes, though this will retard the process of converging.


A common use of FEA is for the determination of stresses and displacements in mechanical objects and systems. It is used in new product design, and also in existing product refinement. A company is able to verify whether a proposed design will be able to perform to the client's specifications prior to manufacturing or construction. Modifying an existing product or structure is utilized to qualify the product or structure for a new service condition. In case of structural failure, FEA may be used to help determine the design modifications to meet the new condition. However, it is also routinely used in the analysis of many other types of problems, including those in heat transfer, fluid dynamics and electromagnetism. FEA is able to handle complex systems that defy closed-form analytical solutions.

Some FEA softwraes

Poissons Ratio

When an element is stretched in one direction, it tends to get thinner in the other two directions. Hence, the change in longitudinal and lateral strains are opposite in nature (generally). Poisson's ratio ν, named after Simeon Poisson, is a measure of this tendency. It is defined as the ratio of the contraction strain normal to the applied load divided by the extension strain in the direction of the applied load. Since most common materials become thinner in cross section when stretched, Poisson's ratio for them is positive.

For a perfectly incompressible material, the Poisson's ratio would be exactly 0.5. Most practical engineering materials have ν between 0.0 and 0.5. Cork is close to 0.0, most steels are around 0.3, and rubber is almost 0.5. A Poisson's ratio greater than 0.5 cannot be maintained for large amounts of strain because at a certain strain the material would reach zero volume, and any further strain would give the material negative volume.

Some materials, mostly polymer foams, have a negative Poisson's ratio; if these auxetic materials are stretched in one direction, they become thicker in perpendicular directions.Foams with negative Poisson's ratios were produced from conventional low density open-cell polymer foams by causing the ribs of each cell to permanently protrude inward, resulting in a re-entrant structure.

An example of the practical application of a particular value of Poisson's ratio is the cork of a wine bottle. The cork must be easily inserted and removed, yet it also must withstand the pressure from within the bottle. Rubber, with a Poisson's ratio of 0.5, could not be used for this purpose because it would expand when compressed into the neck of the bottle and would jam. Cork, by contrast, with a Poisson's ratio of nearly zero, is ideal in this application.

It is anticipated that re-entrant foams may be used in such applications as sponges, robust shock absorbing material, air filters and fasteners. Negative Poisson's ratio effects can result from non-affine deformation, from certain chiral microstructures, on an atomic scale, or from structural hierarchy. Negative Poisson's ratio materials can exhibit slow decay of stress according to Saint-Venant's principle. Later writers have called such materials anti-rubber, auxetic (auxetics), or dilatational. These materials are an example of extremal materials.

Factor of Safety

It is common practice to size the machine elements, so that the maximum design stress is below the UTS (Ultimate Tensile Stress) or yield stress by an appropriate factor - the Factor of Safety, based on UTS(Ultimate Tensile Stress) or Yield Strength. The factor of safety
also known as Safety Factor, is used to provide a design
margin over the theoretical design capacity to allow for uncertainty in the design process. Factor of safety is reccomended by the conditions over which the designer has no control, that is to account for the uncertatinities involved in the design process.

The uncertainities include (but not limited to),
  1. Uncertainity regarding exact properties of material. For example, the yield strength can only be specified in between a range.
  2. Uncertainity regarding the size. The designer has to use the test data to design parts which are much smaller or larger. It is well known that a small part has more strength than a large one of same material.
  3. Unceratinity due to machining processes.
  4. Uncertainity due to the effect of assembly operations like riveting, welding etc.
  5. Uncertainity due to effect of time on strength. Operating environments may cause a gradual deterioration of strength, leading to premature and unpredictable failure of the part.
  6. Uncertainity in the nature and type of load applied.
  7. Assumptions and appoximations made in the nature of surface conditions of the machine element.

Selection of factor of safety

The selection of the appropriate factor of safety to be used in design of components is essentially a compromise between the associated additional cost and weight and the benefit of increased safety or/and reliability. Generally an increased factor of safety results from a heavier component or a component made from a more exotic material or/and improved component design. An appropriate factor of safety is chosen based on several considerations. Prime considerations are the accuracy of load and wear estimates, the consequences of failure, and the cost of over engineering the component to achieve that factor of safety. For example, components whose failure could result in substantial financial loss, serious injury or death usually use a safety factor of four or higher (often ten). Non-critical components generally have a safety factor of two. Extreme care must be used in dealing with vibration loads, more so if the vibrations approach resonant frequencies. The vibrations resulting from seismic disturbances are often important and need to be considered in detail. Where higher factors might appear desirable, a more thorough analysis of the problem should be undertaken before deciding on their use.

  • 1.25 - 1.5 - Material properties known in detail. Operating conditions known in detail. Loads and resultant stresses and strains known with with high degree of certainty. Material test certificates, proof loading, regular inspection and maintenance. Low weight is important to design.
  • 1.5 - 2 - Known materials with certification under reasonably constant
    environmental conditions, subjected to loads and stresses that can be determined using qualified design procedures. Proof tests, regular inspection and maintenance required.
  • 2 - 2.5 - Materials obtained for reputable suppliers to relevant standards
    operated in normal environments and subjected to loads and stresses that can be determined using checked calculations.
  • 2.5 - 3 - For less tried materials or for brittle materials under average
    conditions of environment, load and stress.
  • 3 - 4 - For untried materials used under average conditions of environment, load and stress. Should also be used with better-known materials that are to be used in uncertain environments or subject to uncertain stresses.
Usually the factor of safety is kept larger, except in aerospace and automobile industries. Here safety factors are kept low (about 1.15 - 1.25) because the costs associated with structural weight are so high. This low safety factor is why aerospace parts and materials are subject to more stringent testing and quality control. Now computers are being used to provide more accurate simulation of stresses that occur in components, particularly in the case of high value products where safety and saving weight is essential.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fresh / Stale Fish

The Japanese have a great liking for fresh fish. But the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades. So, to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever. The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring back the fish. The longer it took them to bring back the fish, the staler they grew.

The fish were not fresh and the Japanese did not like the taste. To solve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen fish. And they did not like the taste of frozen fish. The frozen fish brought a lower price. So, fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks, fin to fin. After a little hashing around, the fish stopped moving. They were tired and dull, but alive.

Unfortunately, the Japanese could still taste the difference. Because the fish did not move for days, they lost their fresh-fish taste. The Japanese preferred the lively taste of fresh fish, not sluggish fish. The fishing industry faced an impending crisis!

But today, it has got over that crisis and has emerged as one of the most important trades in that country!

How did Japanese fishing companies solve this problem?

How do they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan?

To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tanks but now they added a small shark to each tank. The shark eats few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively state. The fish are challenged and hence are constantly on the move. And they survive and arrive in a healthy state! They command a higher price and are most sought-after. The challenge they face keeps them fresh!

Humans are no different. Man thrives only in the presence of a challenging environment
Moral of story

If you are steadily conquering challenges, you are happy. Your challenges keep you energized. You are excited to try new solutions. You have fun. You are alive! Instead of avoiding challenges, jump into them.

Do not postpone a task, simply because it’s challenging. Catch these challenges by their horns and vanquish them. Enjoy the game. If your challenges are too large or too numerous, do not give up. Giving up makes you tired.
Instead, reorganize. Find more determination, more knowledge, more help. Don't create success and revel in it in a state of inertia. You have the resources, skills and abilities to make a difference.

Put a shark in your tank and see how far you can really go!
Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they're supposed to help you discover who you are.  - Bernice Johnson Reagon

Monday, May 3, 2010

Thoughts for life-1

  1. As you think, so you become. Let your thought always be great and good. 
  2. Everyman is the architect of his own future. 
  3. The more you read the more you discover your ignorance.
  4. Self- reliance is the key of success.
  5. To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge. 
  6. Be slow in making a promise, but be faithful in fulfilling. 
  7. A habit like a soft bed is easy to get into, but hard to get out of. 
  8. If you want people to think well of you , do not speak ill of others.
  9. The quite man is not necessarily wise, but generally the wiser man is quite. 
  10. Love you enemies, for they will reveal your faults.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

When the heart is more beautiful than the face!

The rain pouring out heavily invited me for a rendezvous but then I had a session. Just as I checked the time on my cell, the knock at the door announced the arrival.

The assistant informed me of the client and I asked her to send them in.. The couple in their late twenties. A second later the door opened again and I beckoned them to come in..

This man came in … straight out of Bollywood or rather Hollywood.

Accompanying this 6+ft guy was this lady… Very thin , and looking unwell.

I wondered what brought them here. They didn’t look like your usual battlefield couples that come for counseling. Generally when couples came in the first noticeable thing they did was pulling chairs apart. Here he pulled it closer. Asked her if she was fine. The body language suggested care and concern. I sat back amused and let them speak.

This couple was married about 10 years back. A love marriage.. Intercaste marriage they braved many storms to be together .Then a couple of years back destiny struck.

She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer..The disease took a toll on her, drained her physically and psychologically. Her husband stood like the rock of Gibralter.. A pillar of strength.


She now feels inadequate for various reasons. One her inability now to conceive, Two her looks that she thought was her identity and description She could not come to terms with the way she looked now. Her health was bad enough and her depression she thought was contagious spreading all around wherever she went.

She thought him too young to be saddled with problems and wished him a better life. She wanted a separation. She wanted him to move on with life..
She didn’t want to be responsible for ruining his youth, his future. She said she loved him and wanted to let him go… to live better.

The moment she said that I looked at her husband. He looked hurt. Deeply hurt.

This is what he had to say and this is what prompted me to write this blog:

“ I love her for what she is. Yes I liked her looks when I first met her but that was because that was the first noticeable thing, As I got to know her I realized how much more beautiful she is on the inside. I can never love anyone after I have experienced this beauty. Everyone else fails in comparison. What I see her as is her real self and to see her for her beauty you need to look through my eyes and not the mirror. The mirror has its set of lies and one of that is about her looks. To know her, look through me. I do not want any other happiness, I promised to be with her through thick and thin and I will be there no matter what. I will never leave her. She can throw me out , but I will continue living on the doorstep. I need her to know that these suggestions by her are an insult to my love. Is love only about looks?. Is beauty just about skin? If I were to go through the same would she leave me? I would never be able to do that. For me she is

highly fecund , producing a higher degree love everytime I look at her. I love her truly and deeply and this is why I’m here to take your help and let her know the value of a relationship that goes beyond all these fallacies of appearances.”

What a magnanimous man!

I wasn’t the only one with tears, there was this beauty in front of me crying yet unaware of it. I excused myself and walked out.. I was glad they came to me though honestly all I did was listen to them but I saw a lovely example of true love. Their coming here was important for them and for me. To witness such love is a blessing.

These days when relations are so fragile and break at the slightest of excuses like:

She/ He is too fat
She can’t cook
She doesn’t work
He is hardly earning enough
We need our own personal space
He/She smokes/drinks
She isn’t glamorous enough
He/She can’t satisfy me
She/He doesn’t get along with inlaws , friends etc.

And many such excuses so inane , obfuscating the whole concept of marriages,just desperately searching a way out. This person purely defined something so perfect. Perfect love that transcends all these fallacies of looks.

This especially is so important when people marry only on the basis of looks. Yes the matrimonial columns are all about how slim and beautiful your bride needs to be. But then one must realize that EXTERNAL BEAUTY IS SO TEMPORARY. The true beauty lies within. Appreciate that and see love blossom.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


  1. Integrity is keeping your commitment even if you lose money and wisdom is not to make such foolish commitments
  2. Integrity and wisdom are the two pillars on which to build and keep commitments . 
  3. Playing to win comes out of inspiration, whereas playing not to lose comes out of desperation. 
  4. A duty which becomes a device will ultimately become delight .
  5. Three thing that we can do about our mistakes , Ignore them, Deny them, Accept-learn from them and not repeat them. 
  6. A person can and will be successful with or without formal education if they have - Character, Commitment, Conviction , Courtesy, Courage.
  7. Going through life without using your ability to think is like shooting without aiming.
  8. Health, happiness and success depend upon the fighting spirit of each person.The big thing is not what happens to us in life, but what we do about what happens to us . 
  9. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe the mind can achieve. 
  10. Try not to become a success, but rather try to become a man of value.


If you think you are beaten, you are. 
If you think you dare not, you don't!
If you like to win, but think  you can't, 
It's almost a cinch you won't
If you think you'll lose, you're lost;
For out in the world we find, success begins with a fellow's will;
It's all in the state of mind, 
If you think you are outclassed , you are;
You've got to think high to raise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize;
Life's battles don't always go To the stronger and the faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins, 
Is the man who thinks he can.


To laugh often and love much;
To win the respect of intelligent person's and the affection of children;
To earn the approval of honest critic's and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty ;
To find the best in others;
To give of one's self without the slightest thought of return; 
To have accomplished a task, whether a healthy child, a rescued soul, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition;
To have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exaltation;
To know that even one's life has breathed easier because you have lived;
This is to have succeeded.