Friday, February 22, 2013


There lived a potter in a small town selling pot with his family. He had happy family, a house to live, enough money and amenities to satisfy his and his family's needs

As the days passed by he grew greedier for money and started searching of ways to make more money, in the process he met a knowledgeable man and asked "Who could give him whatever one wants?"

The man answered that the "Lord" is the giver of all things and suggested that one needs to do tapas to obtain the grace of the "Lord" and left from their. 

The potter in his greed for money thought of doing penance to please the Lord and to take a boon from him. He left his family in search of a suitable place to do penance and after years of search he found a place and started the tapas. 

 Hundreds of years passed by, and he kept doing the tapas, impressed by the tapas of the potter, the Lord appeared before him and asked him to wish for a boon. The potter thought for sometime and asked the Lord "Let all the land that I see become mine and I be the ruler of these lands" . 

The Lord said "Granted" and disappeared. Potter thus obtained the boon, started running to cover as much as possible and to see each and every place that he can. In the process of covering as much as land he can, he never rested or ate and kept on running. He was never satisfied with whatever amount of land that he had covered, as he was driven by his inner greed. He continued running and running and running, at last his body gave up and he died running. 

He was happy with his family, in his greed to obtain more, he lost even whatever he had and had to leave without enjoying anything. 

Greed is the inordinate desire to possess wealth, goods, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one's self, far beyond the dictates of basic survival and comfort. It is applied to a markedly high desire for and pursuit of wealth, status, and power.

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