Monday, March 4, 2013

Way of God

There lived an old woman in a village, who was a great devotee of the lord. She used worship the Lord with great devotion and sincerity. 

Nearby the village there was a dam, which was used for irrigation purpose. During the monsoon season, due to heavy rains there was a flood in the village and authorities started evacuating the people of the village to place of safety. 

The old woman was terror stricken and started praying to the Lord saying "Unless, you come and rescue me I wont leave the village". 

As the old women continued to pray, a man who was moving in a cart called her and asked her to join him, so that they can reach the safety. The woman said "No, the lord is going to come to save me", the man went away. 

She again started doing the prayer, the level of water in the house kept on increasing, then again, a man with a boat passed by her house and called out for her and asked her to join him so that they can reach the safety, yet again she refused to go. 

The water filled up the whole house, and now the old lady moved up to her trace and started praying saying that "Even though, I am your great devotee, you do not come to rescue me" . As she prayed, a helicopter came to the rescue and asked the old woman to come with them. She refused once again and did not go with them, saying the lord will rescue her. 

She started praying and as the fury of the floods increased , the old woman drowned and died in the flood. Then came the dootha's (agents) of the Lord to take her to heaven, as they came, The old woman demanded that she wants to meet the Lord and want to know why did not he come even after she worshipped him so much. Without much choice they took her to the Lord. 

As the lady reached before the Lord, she asked the Lord why did not he come to her rescue. 

The Lord smiled and said " Dear Lady, I came to your rescue three times and every time because of your ignorance you sent me away. Tell me how can I help you when you yourself don't want to be helped" 


Whenever one is in trouble or in need of guidance, the Lord helps in many ways, one needs to see his way of help and try to move in to a place of safety. 

Opportunities are provided for one's own uplift-ment in many ways, one needs to utilize and work with  every opportunity provided and enlighten oneself, instead of waiting for the Lord to appear and enlighten.  

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